Java Small Problems and Programs.
Letter guessing game Java - Five Triesimport java.util.Scanner; /** * * @author Usman Mughal */ public class GussingGameString { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Guess the Letter"); for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++) { char[] characters = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'}; //symbolizing int value of each letter int[] range = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26}; //convert user input to one of the array element of range int userInputToInt = 0; int userInputControlLoop = 0; char randomLetter = characters[(int) (Math.random() * 26)]; int computerInputToInt = 0; //Generating Random Number for (int i = 0; i < characters.length; ++i) { if (randomLetter == characters[i]) { computerInputToInt = range[i]; } } System.out.println("randomLetter Which is to Guess is = " + randomLetter); String myLetter = scan.nextLine(); char enteredLetter = Character.toUpperCase(myLetter.charAt(0)); for (char i : characters) { if (enteredLetter == i) { userInputToInt = range[userInputControlLoop]; } ++userInputControlLoop; } if (enteredLetter == randomLetter) { System.out.println("Correct Guess"); System.out.println("The letter is:" + randomLetter); break; } else if (userInputToInt > computerInputToInt) { System.out.println("Incorrect Guess"); System.out.println("The letter is too high"); System.out.println("The letter is:" + randomLetter); } else if (userInputToInt < computerInputToInt) { System.out.println("Incorrect Guess"); System.out.println("The letter is too low"); System.out.println("The letter is:" + randomLetter); } } } } [/expand]
A Hello World! Java program./* * @author Usman Mughal */ public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } }
Calling Methods. A sample of how to call methods in the same class.
/* * @author Usman Mughal * illustrates how to call static methods a class * from a method in the same class */ public class CallingMethodsInSameClass { public static void main(String[] args) { printOne(); printOne(); printTwo(); } public static void printOne() { System.out.println("Hello World"); } public static void printTwo() { printOne(); printOne(); } }
For loop.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ public class Factorial { public static void main(String[] args) { final int NUM_FACTS = 100; for(int i = 0; i < NUM_FACTS; i++) System.out.println( i + "! is " + factorial(i)); } public static int factorial(int n) { int result = 1; for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++) result *= i; return result; } }
Enhanced for loop.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ public class EnhancedFor { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] list ={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; int sum = sumListEnhanced(list); System.out.println("Sum of elements in list: " + sum); System.out.println("Original List"); printList(list); System.out.println("Calling addOne"); addOne(list); System.out.println("List after call to addOne"); printList(list); System.out.println("Calling addOneError"); addOneError(list); System.out.println("List after call to addOneError. Note elements of list did not change."); printList(list); } // pre: list != null // post: return sum of elements // uses enhanced for loop public static int sumListEnhanced(int[] list) { int total = 0; for(int val : list) { total += val; } return total; } // pre: list != null // post: return sum of elements // use traditional for loop public static int sumListOld(int[] list) { int total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { total += list[i]; System.out.println( list[i] ); } return total; } // pre: list != null // post: none. // The code appears to add one to every element in the list, but does not public static void addOneError(int[] list) { for(int val : list) { val = val + 1; } } // pre: list != null // post: adds one to every element of list public static void addOne(int[] list) { for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i]++; } } public static void printList(int[] list) { System.out.println("index, value"); for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { System.out.println(i + ", " + list[i]); } } }
Value Parameters.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ public class PrimitiveParameters { public static void main(String[] args) { go(); } public static void go() { int x = 3; int y = 2; System.out.println("In method go. x: " + x + " y: " + y); falseSwap(x,y); System.out.println("in method go. x: " + x + " y: " + y); moreParameters(x,y); System.out.println("in method go. x: " + x + " y: " + y); } public static void falseSwap(int x, int y) { System.out.println("in method falseSwap. x: " + x + " y: " + y); int temp = x; x = y; y = temp; System.out.println("in method falseSwap. x: " + x + " y: " + y); } public static void moreParameters(int a, int b) { System.out.println("in method moreParameters. a: " + a + " b: " + b); a = a * b; b = 12; System.out.println("in method moreParameters. a: " + a + " b: " + b); falseSwap(b,a); System.out.println("in method moreParameters. a: " + a + " b: " + b); } }
String Example.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ public class StringExample { public static void main(String[] args) { String s1 = "Computer Science"; int x = 307; String s2 = s1 + " " + x; String s3 = s2.substring(10,17); String s4 = "is fun"; String s5 = s2 + s4; System.out.println("s1: " + s1); System.out.println("s2: " + s2); System.out.println("s3: " + s3); System.out.println("s4: " + s4); System.out.println("s5: " + s5); //showing effect of precedence x = 3; int y = 5; String s6 = x + y + "total"; String s7 = "total " + x + y; String s8 = " " + x + y + "total"; System.out.println("s6: " + s6); System.out.println("s7: " + s7); System.out.println("s8: " + s8); } }
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ public class BinaryConverter { public static void main(String[] args){ for(int i = -5; i < 33; i++){ System.out.println(i + ": " + toBinary(i)); System.out.println(i); //always another way System.out.println(i + ": " + Integer.toBinaryString(i)); } } /* * pre: none * post: returns a String with base10Num in base 2 */ public static String toBinary(int base10Num){ boolean isNeg = base10Num < 0; base10Num = Math.abs(base10Num); String result = ""; while(base10Num > 1){ result = (base10Num % 2) + result; base10Num /= 2; } assert base10Num == 0 || base10Num == 1 : "value is not <= 1: " + base10Num; result = base10Num + result; assert all0sAnd1s(result); if( isNeg ) result = "-" + result; return result; } /* * pre: cal != null * post: return true if val consists only of characters 1 and 0, false otherwise */ public static boolean all0sAnd1s(String val){ assert val != null : "Failed precondition all0sAnd1s. parameter cannot be null"; boolean all = true; int i = 0; char c; while(all && i < val.length()){ c = val.charAt(i); all = c == '0' || c == '1'; i++; } return all; } }
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Random; public class PrimeEx { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { printTest(10, 4); printTest(2, 2); printTest(54161329, 4); printTest(1882341361, 2); printTest(36, 9); System.out.println(isPrime(54161329) + " expect false"); System.out.println(isPrime(1882341361) + " expect true"); System.out.println(isPrime(2) + " expect true"); int numPrimes = 0; Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch(); s.start(); for(int i = 2; i < 10000000; i++) { if(isPrime(i)) { numPrimes++; } } s.stop(); System.out.println(numPrimes + " " + s); s.start(); boolean[] primes = getPrimes(10000000); int np = 0; for(boolean b : primes) if(b) np++; s.stop(); System.out.println(np + " " + s); System.out.println(new BigInteger(1024, 10, new Random())); } public static boolean[] getPrimes(int max) { boolean[] result = new boolean[max + 1]; for(int i = 2; i < result.length; i++) result[i] = true; final double LIMIT = Math.sqrt(max); for(int i = 2; i <= LIMIT; i++) { if(result[i]) { // cross out all multiples; int index = 2 * i; while(index < result.length){ result[index] = false; index += i; } } } return result; } public static void printTest(int num, int expectedFactors) { Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch(); st.start(); int actualFactors = numFactors(num); st.stop(); System.out.println("Testing " + num + " expect " + expectedFactors + ", " + "actual " + actualFactors); if(actualFactors == expectedFactors) System.out.println("PASSED"); else System.out.println("FAILED"); System.out.println(st.time()); } // pre: num >= 2 public static boolean isPrime(int num) { assert num >= 2 : "failed precondition. num must be >= 2. num: " + num; final double LIMIT = Math.sqrt(num); boolean isPrime = (num == 2) ? true : num % 2 != 0; int div = 3; while(div <= LIMIT && isPrime) { isPrime = num % div != 0; div += 2; } return isPrime; } // pre: num >= 2 public static int numFactors(int num) { assert num >= 2 : "failed precondition. num must be >= 2. num: " + num; int result = 0; final double SQRT = Math.sqrt(num); for(int i = 1; i < SQRT; i++) { if(num % i == 0) { result += 2; } } if(num % SQRT == 0) result++; return result; } }
Pointers as Value parameters.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import java.awt.Rectangle; public class ObjectVarsAsParameters { public static void main(String[] args) { go(); } public static void go() { Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(0,0,5,5); System.out.println("In method go. r1 " + r1 + "\n"); // could have been //System.out.prinltn("r1" + r1.toString()); r1.setSize(10, 15); System.out.println("In method go. r1 " + r1 + "\n"); alterPointee(r1); System.out.println("In method go. r1 " + r1 + "\n"); alterPointer(r1); System.out.println("In method go. r1 " + r1 + "\n"); } public static void alterPointee(Rectangle r) { System.out.println("In method alterPointee. r " + r + "\n"); r.setSize(20, 30); System.out.println("In method alterPointee. r " + r + "\n"); } public static void alterPointer(Rectangle r) { System.out.println("In method alterPointer. r " + r + "\n"); r = new Rectangle(5, 10, 30, 35); System.out.println("In method alterPointer. r " + r + "\n"); } }
Array Examples.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ //Mike Scott //examples of array manipulations public class ArrayExamples { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] list = {1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3}; findAndPrintPairs(list, 5); bubblesort(list); showList(list); list = new int[]{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}; bubblesort(list); showList(list); list = new int[]{11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2}; bubblesort(list); showList(list); list = new int[]{1}; bubblesort(list); showList(list); } // pre: list != null, list.length > 0 // post: return index of minimum element of array public static int findMin(int[] list) { assert list != null && list.length > 0 : "failed precondition"; int indexOfMin = 0; for(int i = 1; i < list.length; i++) { if(list[i] < list[indexOfMin]) { indexOfMin = i; } } return indexOfMin; } /* *pre: list != null, newSize >= 0 *post: nothing. the method does not succeed it resizing the * argument */ public static void badResize(int[] list, int newSize) { assert list != null && newSize >= 0 : "failed precondition"; int[] temp = new int[newSize]; int limit = Math.min(list.length, newSize); for(int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { temp[i] = list[i]; } // uh oh!! Changing pointer, not pointee. This breaks the // relationship between the parameter and argument list = temp; } /* *pre: list != null, newSize >= 0 *post: returns an array of size newSize. Elements from 0 to newSize - 1 * will be copied into the new array */ public static int[] goodResize(int[] list, int newSize) { assert list != null && newSize >= 0 : "failed precondition"; int[] result = new int[newSize]; int limit = Math.min(list.length, newSize); for(int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { result[i] = list[i]; } return result; } /* *pre: list != null *post: prints out the indices and values of all pairs of numbers *in list such that list[a] + list[b] = target */ public static void findAndPrintPairs(int[] list, int target) { assert list != null : "failed precondition"; for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { for(int j = i + 1; j < list.length; j++) { if(list[i] + list[j] == target) { System.out.println("The two elements at indices " + i + " and " + j + " are " + list[i] + " and " + list[j] + " add up to " + target); } } } } /* *pre: list != null; *post: sort the elements of list so that they are in ascending order */ public static void bubblesort(int[] list) { assert list != null : "failed precondition"; int temp; boolean changed = true; for(int i = 0; i < list.length && changed; i++) { changed = false; for(int j = 0; j < list.length - i - 1; j++) { assert (j > 0) && (j + 1 < list.length) : "loop counter j " + j + "is out of bounds."; if(list[j] > list[j+1]) { changed = true; temp = list[j + 1]; list[j + 1] = list[j]; list[j] = temp; } } } assert isAscending( list ); } public static void showList(int[] list) { for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) System.out.print( list[i] + " " ); System.out.println(); } /* pre: list != null post: return true if list is sorted in ascedning order, false otherwise */ public static boolean isAscending( int[] list ) { boolean ascending = true; int index = 1; while( ascending && index < list.length ) { assert index >= 0 && index < list.length; ascending = (list[index - 1] <= list[index]); index++; } return ascending; } }
2D array Example.
A simplified version of filtering a picture represented by ints.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import java.awt.Color; public class FilterExample { /* *pre: image != null, image.length > 1, image[0].length > 1 * image is a rectangular matrix, neighberhoodSize > 0 *post: return a smoothed version of image */ public Color[][] smooth(Color[][] image, int neighberhoodSize) { //check precondition assert image != null && image.length > 1 && image[0].length > 1 && ( neighberhoodSize > 0 ) && rectangularMatrix( image ) : "Violation of precondition: smooth"; Color[][] result = new Color[image.length][image[0].length]; for(int row = 0; row < image.length; row++) { for(int col = 0; col < image[0].length; col++) { result[row][col] = aveOfNeighbors(image, row, col, neighberhoodSize); } } return result; } // helper method that determines the average color of a neighberhood // around a particular cell. private Color aveOfNeighbors(Color[][] image, int row, int col, int neighberhoodSize) { int numNeighbors = 0; int red = 0; int green = 0; int blue = 0; for(int r = row - neighberhoodSize; r <= row + neighberhoodSize; r++) { for(int c = col - neighberhoodSize; c <= col + neighberhoodSize; c++) { if( inBounds( image, r, c ) ) { numNeighbors++; red += image[r][c].getRed(); green += image[r][c].getGreen(); blue += image[r][c].getBlue(); } } } assert numNeighbors > 0; return new Color( red / numNeighbors, green / numNeighbors, blue / numNeighbors ); } //helper method to determine if given coordinates are in bounds private boolean inBounds(Color[][] image, int row, int col) { return (row >= 0) && (row <= image.length) && (col >= 0) && (col < image[0].length); } //private method to ensure mat is rectangular private boolean rectangularMatrix( Color[][] mat ) { boolean isRectangular = true; int row = 1; final int COLUMNS = mat[0].length; while( isRectangular && row < mat.length ) { isRectangular = ( mat[row].length == COLUMNS ); row++; } return isRectangular; } }
2D array example.
Very simple version of the Conway's Game of Life.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import java.util.Scanner; public class Life { public static void show(boolean[][] grid){ String s = ""; for(boolean[] row : grid){ for(boolean val : row) if(val) s += "*"; else s += "."; s += "\n"; } System.out.println(s); } public static boolean[][] gen(){ boolean[][] grid = new boolean[10][10]; for(int r = 0; r < 10; r++) for(int c = 0; c < 10; c++) if( Math.random() > 0.7 ) grid[r][c] = true; return grid; } public static void main(String[] args){ boolean[][] world = gen(); show(world); System.out.println(); world = nextGen(world); show(world); Scanner s = new Scanner(; while(s.nextLine().length() == 0){ System.out.println(); world = nextGen(world); show(world); } } public static boolean[][] nextGen(boolean[][] world){ boolean[][] newWorld = new boolean[world.length][world[0].length]; int num; for(int r = 0; r < world.length; r++){ for(int c = 0; c < world[0].length; c++){ num = numNeighbors(world, r, c); if( occupiedNext(num, world[r][c]) ) newWorld[r][c] = true; } } return newWorld; } public static boolean occupiedNext(int numNeighbors, boolean occupied){ if( occupied && (numNeighbors == 2 || numNeighbors == 3)) return true; else if (!occupied && numNeighbors == 3) return true; else return false; } private static int numNeighbors(boolean[][] world, int row, int col) { int num = world[row][col] ? -1 : 0; for(int r = row - 1; r <= row + 1; r++) for(int c = col - 1; c <= col + 1; c++) if( inbounds(world, r, c) && world[r][c] ) num++; return num; } private static boolean inbounds(boolean[][] world, int r, int c) { return r >= 0 && r < world.length && c >= 0 && c < world[0].length; } }
Getting input from Keyboard with Scanner class.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import java.util.Scanner; public class ScannerAndKeyboard { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner s = new Scanner(; System.out.print( "Enter your name: " ); String name = s.nextLine(); System.out.println( "Hello " + name + "!" ); } }
Reading ints from file with Scanner class.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import java.util.Scanner; import; import; public class ReadAndPrintScores { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Scanner s = new Scanner( new File("scores.dat") ); while( s.hasNextInt() ) { System.out.println( s.nextInt() ); } } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println( e ); } } }
Writing ints to file.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ //sample code to write 100 random ints to a file, 1 per line import; import; import; import java.util.Random; public class WriteToFile { public static void main(String[] args) { try { PrintStream writer = new PrintStream( new File("randInts.txt")); Random r = new Random(); final int LIMIT = 100; for(int i = 0; i < LIMIT; i++) { writer.println( r.nextInt() ); } writer.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("An error occured while trying to write to the file"); } } }
Connecting to and reading from a web page.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import; import; import; import java.util.Scanner; public class URLExpSimple { public static void main(String[] args) { try { URL mySite = new URL(""); URLConnection yc = mySite.openConnection(); Scanner in = new Scanner(new InputStreamReader(yc.getInputStream())); int count = 0; while (in.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; count++; } System.out.println("Number of tokens: " + count); in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Program to create ASCII frequency table from file and url.
Demonstration of try / catch blocks.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class FreqTableExampleOriginal { public static final int NUM_ASCII_CHAR = 128; // program to create a frequency table. // Example of simple try catch blocks to deal with checked exceptions public static void main(String[] args) { int[] freqs = createFreqTableURL(""); if( freqs.length == 0) System.out.println("No frequency table created due to problems when reading from file"); else{ for(int i = 0; i < NUM_ASCII_CHAR; i++){ System.out.println("charcater code: " + i + " ,character: " + (char)i + " ,frequency: " + freqs[i]); } System.out.println("Total characters in file: " + sum(freqs)); } freqs = new int[]{}; try{ freqs = createTable("ciaFactBook2008.txt"); } catch(FileNotFoundException e){ System.out.println("File not found. Unable to create freq table" + e); } catch(IOException e){ System.out.println("Problem while reading from file. Unable to create freq table" + e); } if( freqs.length == 0) System.out.println("No frequency table created due to problems when reading from file"); else{ for(int i = 0; i < freqs.length; i++){ System.out.println("charcater code: " + i + " ,character: " + (char)i + " ,frequency: " + freqs[i]); } System.out.println("Total characters in file: " + sum(freqs)); } } // return sum of ints in list // list may not be null private static int sum(int[] list) { assert list != null : "Failed precondition, sum: parameter list" + " may not be null."; int total = 0; for(int x : list){ total += x; } return total; } // pre: url != null // Connect to the URL specified by the String url. // Map characters to index in array. // All non ASCII character dumped into one element of array // If IOException occurs message printed and array of // length 0 returned. public static int[] createFreqTableURL (String url){ if(url == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Violation of precondition. parameter url must not be null."); int[] freqs = new int[NUM_ASCII_CHAR]; try { URL inputURL = new URL(url); InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader(inputURL.openStream()); while(in.ready()){ int c =; if(0 <= c && c < freqs.length) freqs[c]++; else System.out.println("Non ASCII char: " + c + " " + (char) c); } in.close(); } catch(MalformedURLException e){ System.out.println("Bad URL."); freqs = new int[0]; } catch(IOException e){ System.out.println("Unable to read from resource." + e); freqs = new int[0]; } return freqs; } // Connect to the file specified by the String fileName. // Assumes it is in same directory as compiled code. // Map characters to index in array. public static int[] createTable(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException{ int[] freqs = new int[NUM_ASCII_CHAR]; File f = new File(fileName); FileReader r = new FileReader(f); while( r.ready() ){ int ch =; // if( 0 <= ch && ch <= NUM_ASCII_CHAR) // freqs[ch]++; // else // freqs[INDEX_NON_ASCII]++; if(0 <= ch && ch < freqs.length) freqs[ch]++; else System.out.println((char) ch); } r.close(); return freqs; } }
First version of the IntList class developed in class. Developing class to illustrate various class design and implementation issues in Java.
/** * A class to provide a simple list of integers. * List resizes automatically. Used to illustrate * various design and implementation details of * a class in Java. * * Version 1 only contains the instance variables and * the constructors * @author Usman Mughal * */ public class IntListVer1 { // class constant for default size private static final int DEFAULT_CAP = 10; //instance variables private int[] iValues; private int iSize; /** * Default constructor. Creates an empty list. */ public IntListVer1(){ //redirect to single int constructor this(DEFAULT_CAP); //other statments could go here. } /** * Constructor to allow user of class to specify * initial capacity in case they intend to add a lot * of elements to new list. Creates an empty list. * @param initialCap > 0 */ public IntListVer1(int initialCap) { assert initialCap > 0 : "Violation of precondition. IntListVer1(int initialCap):" + "initialCap must be greater than 0. Value of initialCap: " + initialCap; iValues = new int[initialCap]; iSize = 0; } }
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ public class IntListTesterVer1 { public static void main(String[] args){ IntListVer1 list1 = new IntListVer1(); IntListVer1 list2 = new IntListVer1(100); //equal when empty? System.out.println("list1.equals(list2): " + list1.equals(list2)); System.out.println("list1: " + list1); System.out.println("list2: " + list2); } }
Added default add method, equals method, and toString methods. Includes versions of toString using String concatenation and StringBuffer to illustarte performance differences.
/** * A class to provide a simple list of integers. * List resizes automatically. Used to illustrate * various design and implementation details of * a class in Java. * * Version 1 only contains the instance variables and * the constructors * @author Usman Mughal * */ public class IntListVer2{ // class constant for default size private static final int DEFAULT_CAP = 10; //instance variables // iValues store the elements of the list and // may have extra capacity private int[] iValues; private int iSize; /** * Default add method. Add x to the end of this IntList. * Size of the list goes up by 1. * @param x The value to add to the end of this list. */ public void add(int x){ // is there extra capacity available? // if not, resize if(iSize == iValues.length) resize(); assert 0 <= iSize && iSize < iValues.length; iValues[iSize] = x; iSize++; } // resize internal storage container by a factor of 2 private void resize() { int[] temp = new int[iValues.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(iValues, 0, temp, 0, iValues.length); iValues = temp; } /** * Return a String version of this list. Size and * elements included. */ public String toString(){ // we could make this more effecient by using a StringBuffer. // See alternative version String result = "size: " + iSize + ", elements: ["; for(int i = 0; i < iSize - 1; i++) result += iValues[i] + ", "; if(iSize > 0 ) result += iValues[iSize - 1]; result += "]"; return result; } // Would not really have this and toString available // both included just for testing public String toStringUsingStringBuffer(){ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append( "size: " ); result.append( iSize ); result.append(", elements: ["); for(int i = 0; i < iSize - 1; i++){ result.append(iValues[i]); result.append(", "); } if( iSize > 0 ) result.append(iValues[iSize - 1]); result.append("]"); return result.toString(); } /** * Default constructor. Creates an empty list. */ public IntListVer2(){ //redirect to single int constructor this(DEFAULT_CAP); //other statments could go here. } /** * Constructor to allow user of class to specify * initial capacity in case they intend to add a lot * of elements to new list. Creates an empty list. * @param initialCap > 0 */ public IntListVer2(int initialCap) { assert initialCap > 0 : "Violation of precondition. IntListVer1(int initialCap):" + "initialCap must be greater than 0. Value of initialCap: " + initialCap; iValues = new int[initialCap]; iSize = 0; } /** * Return true if this IntList is equal to other.
* pre: none * @param other The object to comapre to this * @return true if other is a non null, IntList object * that is the same size as this IntList and has the * same elements in the same order, false otherwise. */ public boolean equals(Object other){ boolean result; if(other == null) // we know this is not null so can't be equal result = false; else if(this == other) // quick check if this and other refer to same IntList object result = true; else if( this.getClass() != other.getClass() ) // other is not an IntList they can't be equal result = false; else{ // other ris not null and refers to an IntList IntListVer2 otherIntList = (IntListVer2)other; result = this.iSize == otherIntList.iSize; int i = 0; while(i < iSize && result){ result = this.iValues[i] == otherIntList.iValues[i]; i++; } } return result; } }
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ public class IntListTesterVer2 { public static void main(String[] args){ IntListVer2 list1 = new IntListVer2(); IntListVer2 list2 = new IntListVer2(100); //equal when empty? System.out.println("list1.equals(list2): " + list1.equals(list2)); System.out.println("list1: " + list1); System.out.println("list2: " + list2); //add elements for(int i = 0; i < 100; i += 5){ list1.add(i); list2.add(i); } System.out.println("list1.equals(list2): " + list1.equals(list2)); System.out.println("list1: " + list1); System.out.println("list2: " + list2); list2.add(200); System.out.println("Added 200 to list2."); System.out.println("list1.equals(list2): " + list1.equals(list2)); System.out.println("list1: " + list1); System.out.println("list2: " + list2); System.out.println("Testing efficieny of StringBuffer versus using String."); System.out.println("Increasing list1 size to 10000."); Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch(); list1 = new IntListVer2(); for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) list1.add(i); s.start(); list1.toString(); s.stop(); System.out.println("Time to build String using String class: " + s.toString() ); s.start(); list1.toStringUsingStringBuffer(); s.stop(); System.out.println("Time to build String using StringBuffer class: " + s.toString() ); } }
Added insert and remove methods.
/** * A class to provide a simple list of integers. * List resizes automatically. Used to illustrate * various design and implementation details of * a class in Java. * * Version 3 added the insert and remove methods. Changed the * add method to rely on insert. * @author Usman Mughal * */ public class IntListVer3{ // class constant for default size private static final int DEFAULT_CAP = 10; //instance variables // iValues store the elements of the list and // may have extra capacity private int[] iValues; private int iSize; /** * Default constructor. Creates an empty list. */ public IntListVer3(){ //redirect to single int constructor this(DEFAULT_CAP); //other statments could go here. } /** * Constructor to allow user of class to specify * initial capacity in case they intend to add a lot * of elements to new list. Creates an empty list. * @param initialCap > 0 */ public IntListVer3(int initialCap) { assert initialCap > 0 : "Violation of precondition. IntListVer1(int initialCap):" + "initialCap must be greater than 0. Value of initialCap: " + initialCap; iValues = new int[initialCap]; iSize = 0; } /** * Default add method. Add x to the end of this IntList. * Size of the list goes up by 1. * @param x The value to add to the end of this list. */ public void add(int x){ //example of loose coupling insert(iSize, x); } /** * Retrieve an element from the list based on position. * @param pos 0 <= pos < size() * @return The element at the given position. */ public int get(int pos){ assert 0 <= pos && pos < size() : "Failed precondition get. " + "pos it out of bounds. Value of pos: " + pos; return iValues[pos]; } /** * Insert x at position pos. Elements with a position equal * to pos or more are shifted to the right. (One added to their * position.) * post: get(pos) = x, size() = old size() + 1 * @param pos 0 <= pos <= size() * @param x */ public void insert(int pos, int x){ assert 0 <= pos && pos <= size() : "Failed precondition insert. " + "pos is invalid. Value of pos: " + pos; ensureCapcity(); for(int i = iSize; i > pos; i--){ iValues[i] = iValues[i - 1]; } iValues[pos] = x; iSize++; } /** * Remove an element from the list based on position. * Elements with a position greater than pos * are shifted to the left. (One subtracted from their * position.) * @param pos 0 <= pos < size() * @return The element that is removed. */ public int remove(int pos){ assert 0 <= pos && pos < size() : "Failed precondition remove. " + "pos it out of bounds. Value of pos: " + pos; int removedValue = iValues[pos]; for(int i = pos; i < iSize - 1; i++) iValues[i] = iValues[i + 1]; iSize--; return removedValue; } private void ensureCapcity(){ // is there extra capacity available? // if not, resize if(iSize == iValues.length) resize(); } /** * Returns the size of the list. * @return The size of the list. */ public int size(){ return iSize; } // resize internal storage container by a factor of 2 private void resize() { int[] temp = new int[iValues.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(iValues, 0, temp, 0, iValues.length); iValues = temp; } /** * Return a String version of this list. Size and * elements included. */ public String toString(){ // we could make this more effecient by using a StringBuffer. // See alternative version String result = "size: " + iSize + ", elements: ["; for(int i = 0; i < iSize - 1; i++) result += iValues[i] + ", "; if(iSize > 0 ) result += iValues[iSize - 1]; result += "]"; return result; } // Would not really have this and toString available // both included just for testing public String toStringUsingStringBuffer(){ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append( "size: " ); result.append( iSize ); result.append(", elements: ["); for(int i = 0; i < iSize - 1; i++){ result.append(iValues[i]); result.append(", "); } if( iSize > 0 ) result.append(iValues[iSize - 1]); result.append("]"); return result.toString(); } /** * Return true if this IntList is equal to other.
* pre: none * @param other The object to comapre to this * @return true if other is a non null, IntList object * that is the same size as this IntList and has the * same elements in the same order, false otherwise. */ public boolean equals(Object other){ boolean result; if(other == null) // we know this is not null so can't be equal result = false; else if(this == other) // quick check if this and other refer to same IntList object result = true; else if( this.getClass() != other.getClass() ) // other is not an IntList they can't be equal result = false; else{ // other is not null and refers to an IntList IntListVer3 otherIntList = (IntListVer3)other; result = this.size() == otherIntList.size(); int i = 0; while(i < iSize && result){ result = this.iValues[i] == otherIntList.iValues[i]; i++; } } return result; } }
Inherits from InListVer3 to create a SortedIntList. Class is "broken" because random insertions still allowed.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ public class SortedIntList extends IntListVer3{ public SortedIntList(int initialCap){ //call IntList constructor super(initialCap); } public SortedIntList(){ super(); } //override add public void add(int value){ //search for location to insert value int pos = 0; while( pos < size() && value > get(pos) ){ pos++; } super.insert(pos, value); } }
Altered the list to store anything, not just ints.
/** * A class to provide a simple list. * List resizes automatically. Used to illustrate * various design and implementation details of * a class in Java. * * @author Usman Mughal * */ public class GenericList{ // class constant for default size private static final int DEFAULT_CAP = 10; //instance variables // iValues store the elements of the list and // may have extra capacity private Object[] iValues; private int iSize; /** * Default add method. Add x to the end of this IntList. * Size of the list goes up by 1. * @param x The value to add to the end of this list. */ public void add(Object x){ insert(iSize, x); } public Object get(int pos){ return iValues[pos]; } /** * Insert obj at position pos. * post: get(pos) = x, size() = old size() + 1 * @param pos 0 <= pos <= size() * @param obj The element to add. */ public void insert(int pos, Object obj){ ensureCapcity(); for(int i = iSize; i > pos; i--){ iValues[i] = iValues[i - 1]; } iValues[pos] = obj; iSize++; } public Object remove(int pos){ Object removedValue = iValues[pos]; for(int i = pos; i < iSize - 1; i++) iValues[i] = iValues[i + 1]; iValues[iSize - 1] = null; iSize--; return removedValue; } private void ensureCapcity(){ // is there extra capacity available? // if not, resize if(iSize == iValues.length) resize(); } public int size(){ return iSize; } // resize internal storage container by a factor of 2 private void resize() { Object[] temp = new Object[iValues.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(iValues, 0, temp, 0, iValues.length); iValues = temp; } /** * Return a String version of this list. Size and * elements included. */ public String toString(){ // we could make this more effecient by using a StringBuffer. // See alternative version String result = "size: " + iSize + ", elements: ["; for(int i = 0; i < iSize - 1; i++) result += iValues[i].toString() + ", "; if(iSize > 0 ) result += iValues[iSize - 1]; result += "]"; return result; } // Would not really have this and toString available // both included just for testing public String toStringUsingStringBuffer(){ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append( "size: " ); result.append( iSize ); result.append(", elements: ["); for(int i = 0; i < iSize - 1; i++){ result.append(iValues[i]); result.append(", "); } if( iSize > 0 ) result.append(iValues[iSize - 1]); result.append("]"); return result.toString(); } /** * Default constructor. Creates an empty list. */ public GenericList(){ //redirect to single int constructor this(DEFAULT_CAP); //other statments could go here. } /** * Constructor to allow user of class to specify * initial capacity in case they intend to add a lot * of elements to new list. Creates an empty list. * @param initialCap > 0 */ public GenericList(int initialCap) { assert initialCap > 0 : "Violation of precondition. IntListVer1(int initialCap):" + "initialCap must be greater than 0. Value of initialCap: " + initialCap; iValues = new Object[initialCap]; iSize = 0; } /** * Return true if this IntList is equal to other.
* pre: none * @param other The object to comapre to this * @return true if other is a non null, IntList object * that is the same size as this IntList and has the * same elements in the same order, false otherwise. */ public boolean equals(Object other){ boolean result; if(other == null) // we know this is not null so can't be equal result = false; else if(this == other) // quick check if this and other refer to same IntList object result = true; else if( this.getClass() != other.getClass() ) // other is not an IntList they can't be equal result = false; else{ // other is not null and refers to an IntList GenericList otherList = (GenericList)other; result = this.size() == otherList.size(); int i = 0; while(i < iSize && result){ result = this.iValues[i].equals( otherList.iValues[i] ); i++; } } return result; } }
Die Class.
A class that models a playing die.
import java.util.Random; /** * Models a playing die with sides numbered 1 to N. * All sides have uniform probablity of being rolled. * * @author Usman Mughal */ public class Die { public static final int DEFAULT_SIDES = 6; private static Random ourRandNumGen = new Random(); private final int iMyNumSides; private int iMyResult; /** * Default constructor.* pre: none
* post: getNumSides() = DEFAULT_SIDES, getResult() = 1 */ public Die() { this(DEFAULT_SIDES); } /** * Create a Die with numSides sides* pre: numSides > 1
* post: getNumSides() = numSides, getResult() = 1
* An exception will be generated if the preconditions are not met */ public Die(int numSides) { assert numSides > 1 : "Violation of precondition: numSides = " + numSides + "numSides must be greater than 1"; iMyNumSides = numSides; iMyResult = 1; assert getResult() == 1 && getNumSides() == numSides; } /** * Create a Die with numSides and top side and result set to result* pre: numSides > 1, 1 <= result <= numSides
* post: getNumSides() = numSides, getResult() = 1
* An exception will be generated if the preconditions are not met */ public Die(int numSides, int result) { assert numSides > 1 && 1 <= result && result <= numSides : "Violation of precondition"; iMyNumSides = numSides; iMyResult = result; } /** * roll this Die. Every side has an equal chance of being the new result* pre: none
* post: 1 <= getResult() <= getNumSides() * @return the result of the Die after the roll */ public int roll() { iMyResult = ourRandNumGen.nextInt(iMyNumSides) + 1; assert ( 1 <= getResult() ) && ( getResult() <= getNumSides() ); return iMyResult; } /** * return how many sides this Die has* pre: none
* post: return how many sides this Die has * @return the number of sides on this Die */ public int getNumSides() { return iMyNumSides; } /** * get the current result or top number of this Die* pre: none
* post: return the number on top of this Die * @return the current result of this Die */ public int getResult() { return iMyResult; } /** * returns true if this Die and the parameter otherObj are equal* pre: none
* post: return true if the parameter is a Die object with the same number of sides as this Die and currently has the same result. * @return true if the the two Dice are equal, false otherwise */ public boolean equals(Object otherObj) { boolean result = true; if(otherObj == null) result = false; else if(this == otherObj) result = true; else if(this.getClass() != otherObj.getClass()) result = false; else { Die otherDie = (Die)otherObj; result = this.iMyResult == otherDie.iMyResult && this.iMyNumSides == otherDie.iMyNumSides; } return result; } /** * returns a String containing information about this Die* pre: none
* post: return a String with information about the current state of this Die * @return: A String with the number of sides and current result of this Die */ public String toString() { return "Num sides " + getNumSides() + " result " + getResult(); } }// end of Die class
This illustrates some of the more confusing concepts in class syntax and mechanics such as constructors, static vs. instance methods, and method overloading.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ public class DemoClass { private int x; public DemoClass() { // assign default value x = 0; } public DemoClass(int x) { // use this.x to refer to the instance variable x // use x to refer to a local variable x (more specifically, // method parameter x) this.x = x; } public DemoClass(DemoClass otherDemo) { // copy the value from the otherDemo this.x = otherDemo.x; } // static method (aka class method) public static void s1() { return; } // instance method public void i1() { return; } // static calling static OK // static calling instance is a compile-time error public static void s2() { // i1(); // compile-time error s1(); // DemoClass.s1 return; } // instance calling static OK // instance calling instance OK public void i2() { s1(); // DemoClass.s1(); i1(); // this.i1(); return; } // call various versions of overload() based on their // list of parameters (aka function signatures) public void overloadTester() { System.out.println("overloadTester:\n"); overload((byte)1); overload((short)1); overload(1); overload(1L); overload(1.0f); overload(1.0); overload('1'); overload(true); } public void overload(byte b) { System.out.println("byte"); } public void overload(short s) { System.out.println("short"); } public void overload(int i) { System.out.println("int"); } public void overload(long l) { System.out.println("long"); } public void overload(float f) { System.out.println("float"); } public void overload(double d) { System.out.println("double"); } public void overload(char c) { System.out.println("char"); } public void overload(boolean b) { System.out.println("boolean"); } public static void main(String[] args) { DemoClass dc = new DemoClass(); dc.overloadTester(); } }
Stopwatch class.
A class for measuring how long it takes for a program to run.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ /** A class to measure time elapsed. */ public class Stopwatch { private long startTime; private long stopTime; public static final double NANOS_PER_SEC = 1000000000.0; /** start the stop watch. */ public void start(){ startTime = System.nanoTime(); } /** stop the stop watch. */ public void stop() { stopTime = System.nanoTime(); } /** elapsed time in seconds. @return the time recorded on the stopwatch in seconds */ public double time() { return (stopTime - startTime) / NANOS_PER_SEC; } public String toString(){ return "elapsed time: " + time() + " seconds."; } /** elapsed time in nanoseconds. @return the time recorded on the stopwatch in nanoseconds */ public long timeInNanoseconds() { return (stopTime - startTime); } }
Create a Set.
A method that using polymorphism to create a set from an array.
import java.util.Arrays; import java.awt.Rectangle; /** * A sample of a ploymorphic method. * @author Usman Mughal * */ public class CreateASet { public static void main(String[] args){ String[] words = {"A", "B", "B", "D", "C", "A"}; System.out.println( "original: " + Arrays.toString(words)); System.out.println( "as a set: " + Arrays.toString(makeSet(words))); Rectangle[] rectList = {new Rectangle(), new Rectangle(), new Rectangle(0, 1, 2, 3), new Rectangle(0, 1, 2, 3)}; System.out.println( "original: " + Arrays.toString(rectList)); System.out.println( "as a set: " + Arrays.toString(makeSet(rectList))); Object[] mixed = {"A", "C", "A", "B", new Rectangle(), new Rectangle(), "A", new Rectangle(0, 1, 2, 3), "D"}; System.out.println( "original: " + Arrays.toString(mixed)); System.out.println( "as a set: " + Arrays.toString(makeSet(mixed))); } /** * An example of polymorphism in action. The method relies * on Java's inheritance requirement and polymorhphism to call * the correct equals method. * @param data != null, no elements of data are null * @return a Set (no duplicates) of the elements in data. */ public static Object[] makeSet(Object[] data){ assert data != null : "Failed precondition makeSet. parameter cannot be null"; assert noNulls(data) : "Failed precondition makeSet. no elements of parameter can be null"; Object[] result = new Object[data.length]; int numUnique = 0; boolean found; int indexInResult; for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ // maybe should break this out into another method indexInResult = 0; found = false; while(!found && indexInResult < numUnique){ found = data[i].equals(result[indexInResult]); indexInResult++; } if( ! found ){ result[numUnique] = data[i]; numUnique++; } } Object[] result2 = new Object[numUnique]; System.arraycopy(result, 0, result2, 0, numUnique); return result2; } // pre: data != null // return true if all elements of data are non null, // false otherwise private static boolean noNulls(Object[] data){ assert data != null : "Failed precondition makeSet. parameter cannot be null"; boolean good = true; int i = 0; while( good && i < data.length ){ good = data[i] != null; i++; } return good; } }
Recursion examples.
Includes examples on finding space taken up by files in a directory including all files in all subdirectories, recursive factorial, recursive power, recursive Fibonacci numbers, and a simple knapsack problem.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ public class RecursionExampleDirectory { public int getSize(Directory dir) { int total = 0; //check files File[] files = dir.getFiles(); for(int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) total += files[i].getSize(); //get sub directories and check them Directory[] subs = dir.getSubs(); for(int i = 0; i < subs.length; i++) total += getSize(subs[i]); return total; } public static void main(String[] args) { RecursionExampleDirectory r = new RecursionExampleDirectory(); Directory d = new Directory(); System.out.println( r.getSize(d) ); } //pre: n >= 0 public static int fact(int n) { int result = 0; if(n == 0) result = 1; else result = n * fact(n-1); return result; } //pre: exp >= 0 public static int pow(int base, int exp) { int result = 0; if(exp == 0) result = 1; else result = base * pow(base, exp - 1); return result; } //slow fib //pre: n >= 1 public static int fib(int n) { int result = 0; if(n == 1 || n == 2) result = 1; else result = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2); return result; } public static int minWasted(int[] items, int itemNum, int capLeft) { int result = 0; if(itemNum >= items.length) result = capLeft; else if( capLeft == 0) result = 0; else { int minWithout = minWasted(items, itemNum + 1, capLeft); if( capLeft <= items[itemNum]) { int minWith = minWasted(items, itemNum + 1, capLeft - items[itemNum]); result = Math.min(minWith, minWithout); } else result = minWithout; } return result; } } class Directory { private Directory[] mySubs; private File[] myFiles; public Directory() { int numSubs = (int)(Math.random() * 3); mySubs = new Directory[numSubs]; int numFiles = (int)(Math.random() * 10); myFiles = new File[numFiles]; for(int i = 0; i < myFiles.length; i++) myFiles[i] = new File( (int)(Math.random() * 1000 ) ); for(int i = 0; i < mySubs.length; i++) mySubs[i] = new Directory(); } public Directory[] getSubs() { return mySubs; } public File[] getFiles() { return myFiles; } } class File { private int iMySize; public File(int size) { iMySize = size; } public int getSize() { return iMySize; } }
Eight Queens example.
Code to find a a solution to an N queens problem. Note the queensAreSafe method has not been completed.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; public class EightQueens { public static void main(String[] args) { solveNQueens(8); ArrayListsolutions = getAllNQueens(8); System.out.println( solutions.size() ); for( int i = 0; i < solutions.size(); i++){ System.out.println("\n\nSolution " + (i+1)); if( queensAreSafe(solutions.get(i)) ) printBoard(solutions.get(i)); else System.out.println("UH OH!!!!! BETTER FIX IT!!!!!"); } /** * determine if the chess board represented by board is a safe set up * pre: board != null, board.length > 0, board is a square matrix. * (In other words all rows in board have board.length columns.), * all elements of board == 'q' or '.'. 'q's represent queens, '.'s * represent open spaces.
*post: return true if the configuration of board is safe, * that is no queen can attack any other queen on the board. * false otherwise. * @param board the chessboard * @return true if the configuration of board is safe, * that is no queen can attack any other queen on the board. * false otherwise. */ public static boolean queensAreSafe(char[][] board) { char[] validChars = {'q', '.'}; assert (board != null) && (board.length > 0) && isSquare(board) && onlyContains(board, validChars) : "Violation of precondition: queensAreSafe"; return true; } public static ArrayList
getAllNQueens(int size){ ArrayList solutions = new ArrayList (); char[][] board = blankBoard(size); solveAllNQueens(board, 0, solutions); return solutions; } public static void solveAllNQueens(char[][] board, int col, ArrayList solutions){ // am I done? if so, add this solution to the ArrayList of solutions if( col == board.length){ solutions.add( makeCopy(board)); // all done } else { for(int row = 0; row < board.length; row++){ // place queen board[row][col] = 'q'; if( queensAreSafe(board) ) // if safe go on to next column solveAllNQueens(board, col + 1, solutions); board[row][col] = '.'; } } } // pre: mat != null, mat is rectangular public static char[][] makeCopy(char[][] mat){ assert mat != null; char[][] copy = new char[mat.length][mat[0].length]; for(int r = 0; r < mat.length; r++) for(int c = 0; c < mat[0].length; c++) copy[r][c] = mat[r][c]; return copy; } public static void printBoard(char[][] board){ for(int r = 0; r < board.length; r++){ for(int c = 0; c < board[r].length; c++) System.out.print(board[r][c]); System.out.println(); } } public static void solveNQueens(int n){ char[][] board = blankBoard(n); //start in column 0 boolean solved = canSolve(board, 0); if( solved ){ System.out.println("Solved the " + n + " queen problem."); printBoard(board); } else System.out.println("Can't solve the " + n + " queen problem."); } public static boolean canSolve(char[][] board, int col){ //know when you are done! if( col == board.length) return true; // solved!!!!! // not done, try all the rows boolean solved = false; for(int row = 0; row < board.length && !solved; row++){ //System.out.println(row + " " + col); // place queen board[row][col] = 'q'; if( queensAreSafe(board) ) solved = canSolve(board, col + 1); if( !solved ) board[row][col] = '.'; } return solved; //could be true(solved) or false(not solved)!! } private static char[][] blankBoard(int size){ char[][] result = new char[size][size]; for(int r = 0; r < size; r++) Arrays.fill(result[r], '.'); return result; } private static boolean inbounds(int row, int col, char[][] mat){ return row >= 0 && row < mat.length && col >= 0 && col < mat[0].length; } /* pre: mat != null post: return true if mat is a square matrix, false otherwise */ private static boolean isSquare(char[][] mat) { assert mat != null : "Violation of precondition: isSquare"; final int numRows = mat.length; int row = 0; boolean square = true; while( square && row < numRows ) { square = ( mat[row] != null) && (mat[row].length == numRows); row++; } return square; } /* pre: mat != null, valid != null post: return true if all elements in mat are one of the characters in valid */ private static boolean onlyContains(char[][] mat, char[] valid) { assert mat != null && valid != null : "Violation of precondition: onlyContains"; int row = 0; int col; boolean correct = true; while( correct && row < mat.length) { col = 0; while(correct && col < mat[row].length) { correct = contains(valid, mat[row][col]); col++; } row++; } return correct; } /* pre: list != null post: return true if c is in list */ private static boolean contains(char[] list, char c) { assert ( list != null ) : "Violation of precondition: contains"; boolean found = false; int index = 0; while( !found && index < list.length) { found = list[index] == c; index++; } return found; } }
Airlines example.
Determine if airlines can be moved from airline to another based on network of airline partners. Here is a sample input file.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; public class AirlineProblem { public static void main(String[] args){ Scanner scannerToReadAirlines = null; try{ scannerToReadAirlines = new Scanner(new File("airlines.txt")); } catch(IOException e){ System.out.println("Could not connect to file airlines.txt."); System.exit(0); } if(scannerToReadAirlines != null){ ArrayListairlinesPartnersNetwork = new ArrayList (); Airline newAirline; String lineFromFile; String[] airlineNames; while( scannerToReadAirlines.hasNext() ){ lineFromFile = scannerToReadAirlines.nextLine(); airlineNames = lineFromFile.split(","); newAirline = new Airline(airlineNames); airlinesPartnersNetwork.add( newAirline ); } System.out.println(airlinesPartnersNetwork); Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter airline miles are on: "); String start = keyboard.nextLine(); System.out.print("Enter goal airline: "); String goal = keyboard.nextLine(); ArrayList pathForMiles = new ArrayList (); ArrayList airlinesVisited = new ArrayList (); if( canRedeem(start, goal, pathForMiles, airlinesVisited, airlinesPartnersNetwork)) System.out.println("Path to redeem miles: " + pathForMiles); else System.out.println("Cannot convert miles from " + start + " to " + goal + "."); } } private static boolean canRedeem(String current, String goal, ArrayList pathForMiles, ArrayList airlinesVisited, ArrayList network){ if(current.equals(goal)){ //base case 1, I have found a path! pathForMiles.add(current); return true; } else if(airlinesVisited.contains(current)) // base case 2, I have already been here // don't go into a cycle return false; else{ // I have not been here and it isn't // the goal so check its partners // now I have been here airlinesVisited.add(current); // add this to the path pathForMiles.add(current); // find this airline in the network int pos = -1; int index = 0; while(pos == -1 && index < network.size()){ if(network.get(index).getName().equals(current)) pos = index; index++; } //if not in the network, no partners if( pos == - 1) return false; // loop through partners index = 0; String[] partners = network.get(pos).getPartners(); boolean foundPath = false; while( !foundPath && index < partners.length){ foundPath = canRedeem(partners[index], goal, pathForMiles, airlinesVisited, network); index++; } if( !foundPath ) pathForMiles.remove( pathForMiles.size() - 1); return foundPath; } } private static class Airline{ private String name; private ArrayList partners; //pre: data != null, data.length > 0 public Airline(String[] data){ assert data != null && data.length > 0 : "Failed precondition"; name = data[0]; partners = new ArrayList (); for(int i = 1; i < data.length; i++) partners.add( data[i] ); } public String[] getPartners(){ return partners.toArray(new String[partners.size()]); } public boolean isPartner(String name){ return partners.contains(name); } public String getName(){ return name; } public String toString(){ return name + ", partners: " + partners; } } }
Another example of recursion from the game minesweeper.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ public class MineSweeper { private int[][] myTruth; private boolean[][] myShow; public void cellPicked(int row, int col) { if( inBounds(row, col) && !myShow[row][col] ) { myShow[row][col] = true; if( myTruth[row][col] == 0) { for(int r = -1; r <= 1; r++) for(int c = -1; c <= 1; c++) cellPicked(row + r, col + c); } } } public boolean inBounds(int row, int col) { return 0 <= row && row < myTruth.length && 0 <= col && col < myTruth[0].length; } }
Changed the GenericList class so that it implements the Iterable interface in order to demonstrate how to implement an iterator using an inner class.
import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; /** * A class to provide a simple list. * List resizes automatically. Used to illustrate * various design and implementation details of * a class in Java. * * @author Usman Mughal * */ public class GenericListVersion2 implements Iterable{ // class constant for default size private static final int DEFAULT_CAP = 10; //instance variables // iValues store the elements of the list and // may have extra capacity private Object[] iValues; private int iSize; private class GenericListIterator implements Iterator{ private int position; private boolean removeOK; private GenericListIterator(){ position = 0; removeOK = false; } public boolean hasNext(){ return position < iSize; } public Object next(){ Object result = iValues[position]; position++; removeOK = true; return result; } public void remove(){ if( !removeOK ) throw new IllegalStateException(); // which element should be removed?? removeOK = false; GenericListVersion2.this.remove(position - 1); position--; } } public Iterator iterator(){ return new GenericListIterator(); } public void addAll(Collection c){ // for each loop for(Object obj : c){ this.add(obj); } } /** * Default add method. Add x to the end of this IntList. * Size of the list goes up by 1. * @param x The value to add to the end of this list. */ public void add(Object x){ insert(iSize, x); } public Object get(int pos){ return iValues[pos]; } /** * Insert obj at position pos. * post: get(pos) = x, size() = old size() + 1 * @param pos 0 <= pos <= size() * @param obj The element to add. */ public void insert(int pos, Object obj){ ensureCapcity(); for(int i = iSize; i > pos; i--){ iValues[i] = iValues[i - 1]; } iValues[pos] = obj; iSize++; } public Object remove(int pos){ Object removedValue = iValues[pos]; for(int i = pos; i < iSize - 1; i++) iValues[i] = iValues[i + 1]; iValues[iSize - 1] = null; iSize--; return removedValue; } private void ensureCapcity(){ // is there extra capacity available? // if not, resize if(iSize == iValues.length) resize(); } public int size(){ return iSize; } // resize internal storage container by a factor of 2 private void resize() { Object[] temp = new Object[iValues.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(iValues, 0, temp, 0, iValues.length); iValues = temp; } /** * Return a String version of this list. Size and * elements included. */ public String toString(){ // we could make this more effecient by using a StringBuffer. // See alternative version String result = "size: " + iSize + ", elements: ["; for(int i = 0; i < iSize - 1; i++) result += iValues[i].toString() + ", "; if(iSize > 0 ) result += iValues[iSize - 1]; result += "]"; return result; } // Would not really have this and toString available // both included just for testing public String toStringUsingStringBuffer(){ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append( "size: " ); result.append( iSize ); result.append(", elements: ["); for(int i = 0; i < iSize - 1; i++){ result.append(iValues[i]); result.append(", "); } if( iSize > 0 ) result.append(iValues[iSize - 1]); result.append("]"); return result.toString(); } /** * Default constructor. Creates an empty list. */ public GenericListVersion2(){ //redirect to single int constructor this(DEFAULT_CAP); //other statments could go here. } /** * Constructor to allow user of class to specify * initial capacity in case they intend to add a lot * of elements to new list. Creates an empty list. * @param initialCap > 0 */ public GenericListVersion2(int initialCap) { assert initialCap > 0 : "Violation of precondition. IntListVer1(int initialCap):" + "initialCap must be greater than 0. Value of initialCap: " + initialCap; iValues = new Object[initialCap]; iSize = 0; } /** * Return true if this IntList is equal to other.
* pre: none * @param other The object to comapre to this * @return true if other is a non null, IntList object * that is the same size as this IntList and has the * same elements in the same order, false otherwise. */ public boolean equals(Object other){ boolean result; if(other == null) // we know this is not null so can't be equal result = false; else if(this == other) // quick check if this and other refer to same IntList object result = true; else if( this.getClass() != other.getClass() ) // other is not an IntList they can't be equal result = false; else{ // other is not null and refers to an IntList GenericListVersion2 otherList = (GenericListVersion2)other; result = this.size() == otherList.size(); int i = 0; while(i < iSize && result){ result = this.iValues[i].equals( otherList.iValues[i] ); i++; } } return result; } }
Changed GenericList so it is generic based on Java generics syntax instead of relying on Object.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import java.util.Iterator; public class GenericListimplements Iterable { // class constant private static final int DEFAULT_CAP = 10; // instance variables protected E[] container; // the array is NOT the list private int listSize; public Iterator iterator(){ return new GenListIterator(); } // inner class private class GenListIterator implements Iterator { private int indexOfNextElement; private boolean okToRemove; private GenListIterator(){ indexOfNextElement = 0; okToRemove = false; } public boolean hasNext(){ return indexOfNextElement < size(); } public E next(){ assert hasNext(); okToRemove = true; indexOfNextElement++; return container[indexOfNextElement - 1]; } public void remove(){ assert okToRemove; okToRemove = false; indexOfNextElement--; GenericList.this.remove(indexOfNextElement); } } public boolean equals(Object obj){ assert this != null; if(obj == null) return false; else if (this == obj) return true; else if( this.getClass() != obj.getClass() ) return false; else{ // obj is a non null GenericList GenericList list = (GenericList)obj; if( list.size() != size() ) return false; for(int i = 0; i < size(); i++) if( (get(i) == null && list.get(i) != null) || !get(i).equals(list.get(i)) ) return false; return true; } } // creates an empty IntList public GenericList(){ this(DEFAULT_CAP); } // pre: initialCap >= 0 public GenericList(int initialCap){ assert initialCap >= 0 : "failed precondition"; container = (E[])(new Object[initialCap]); listSize = 0; } public void insertAll(int pos, GenericList otherList){ for(int i = 0; i < otherList.listSize; i++){ this.insert(pos + i, otherList.container[i]); } } // pre: 0 <= pos < size() public E remove(int pos){ E result = container[pos]; listSize--; for(int index = pos; index < size(); index++){ container[index] = container[index + 1]; } container[listSize] = null; return result; } // pre: 0 <= pos <= size() public void insert(int pos, E element){ assert 0 <= pos && pos <= size(); if( size() == container.length ) resize(); for(int index = size(); index > pos; index--){ assert index > 0; container[index] = container[index - 1]; } container[pos] = element; listSize++; } // get size of list public int size(){ return listSize; } // access elements // pre: 0 <= position < size() public E get(int position){ assert 0 <= position && position < size(); return container[position]; } // pre: none public void add(E element){ insert(size(), element); } private void resize() { E[] temp = (E[])(new Object[container.length * 2 + 1]); System.arraycopy(container, 0, temp, 0, size()); container = temp; } public String toString(){ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("["); final int LIMIT = size() - 1; for(int i = 0; i < LIMIT; i++){ if( this == this.get(i) ) result.append("this list"); else{ result.append(get(i)); } result.append(", "); } if( size() != 0) result.append(get(size() - 1)); result.append("]"); return result.toString(); } }
A singly linked node class used to build linked lists
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ public class ListNode { // instance variables // the data to store in this node private Object myData; // the link to the next node (presumably in a list) private ListNode myNext; /** * default constructor * pre: none
* post: getData() = null, getNext() = null */ public ListNode() { this(null, null); } /** * create a ListNode that holds the specified data and refers to the specified next element * pre: none
* post: getData() = item, getNext() = next * @param item the data this ListNode should hold * @param next the next node in the list */ public ListNode(Object data, ListNode next) { myData = data; myNext = next; } /** * return the data in this node * pre: none
* @return the data this ListNode holds */ public Object getData() { return myData; } /** * return the ListNode this ListNode refers to * pre: none
* @return the ListNode this ListNode refers to (normally the next one in a list) */ public ListNode getNext() { return myNext; } /** * set the data in this node * The old data is over written.
* pre: none
* @param data the new data for this ListNode to hold */ public void setData(Object data) { myData = data; } /** * set the next node this ListNode refers to * pre: none
* @param next the next node this ListNode should refer to */ public void setNext(ListNode next) { myNext = next; } }
A simple list interface
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import java.util.Iterator; /** * Interface for a simple List. Random access to all items in the list is provided. * The numbering of elements in the list begins at 0. * */ public interface IListextends Iterable { /** * Add an item to the end of this list. *
pre: none *
post: size() = old size() + 1, get(size() - 1) = item * @param item the data to be added to the end of this list */ void add(E item); /** * Insert an item at a specified position in the list. *
pre: 0 <= pos <= size() *
post: size() = old size() + 1, get(pos) = item, all elements in * the list with a positon >= pos have a position = old position + 1 * @param pos the position to insert the data at in the list * @param item the data to add to the list */ void insert(int pos, E item); /** * Change the data at the specified position in the list. * the old data at that position is returned. *
pre: 0 <= pos < size() *
post: get(pos) = item, return the * old get(pos) * @param pos the position in the list to overwrite * @param item the new item that will overwrite the old item * @return the old data at the specified position */ E set(int pos, E item); /** * Get an element from the list. *
pre: 0 <= pos < size() *
post: return the item at pos * @param pos specifies which element to get * @return the element at the specified position in the list */ E get(int pos); /** * Remove an element in the list based on position. *
pre: 0 <= pos < size() *
post: size() = old size() - 1, all elements of * list with a positon > pos have a position = old position - 1 * @param pos the position of the element to remove from the list * @return the data at position pos */ E remove(int pos); /** * Remove the first occurrence of obj in this list. * Return true if this list changed as a result of this call, false otherwise. *
pre: none *
post: if obj is in this list the first occurence has been removed and size() = old size() - 1. * If obj is not present the list is not altered in any way. * @param obj The item to remove from this list. * @return Return true if this list changed as a result of this call, false otherwise. */ boolean remove(E obj); /** * Return a sublist of elements in this list from start inclusive to stop exclusive. * This list is not changed as a result of this call. *
pre: 0 <= start < size(), start <= stop <= size() *
post: return a list whose size is stop - start and contains the elements at positions start through stop - 1 in this list. * @param start index of the first element of the sublist. * @param stop stop - 1 is the index of the last element of the sublist. * @return a list with stop - start elements, The elements are from positions start inclusive to * stop exclusive in this list. */ IListgetSubList(int start, int stop); /** * Return the size of this list. In other words the number of elements in this list. *
pre: none *
post: return the number of items in this list * @return the number of items in this list */ int size(); /** * Find the position of an element in the list. *
pre: none *
post: return the index of the first element equal to item * or -1 if item is not present * @param item the element to search for in the list * @return return the index of the first element equal to item or a -1 if item is not present */ int indexOf(E item); /** * find the position of an element in the list starting at a specified position. *
pre: 0 <= pos < size() *
post: return the index of the first element equal to item starting at pos * or -1 if item is not present from position pos onward * @param item the element to search for in the list * @param pos the position in the list to start searching from * @return starting from the specified position return the index of the first element equal to item or a -1 if item is not present between pos and the end of the list */ int indexOf(E item, int pos); /** * return the list to an empty state. *
pre: none *
post: size() = 0 */ void makeEmpty(); /** * return an Iterator for this list. *
pre: none *
post: return an Iterator object for this List */ Iteratoriterator(); /** * Remove all elements in this list from start inclusive to stop exclusive. *
pre: 0 <= start < size(), start <= stop <= size() *
post: size() = old size() - (stop - start) * @param start position at beginning of range of elements to be removed * @param stop stop - 1 is the position at the end of the range of elements to be removed */ void removeRange(int start, int stop); /** * Return a String version of this list enclosed in * square brackets, []. Elements are in * are in order based on position in the * list with the first element * first. Adjacent elements are seperated by comma's * @return a String representation of this IList */ public String toString(); /** * Determine if this IList is equal to other. Two * ILists are equal if they contain the same elements * in the same order. * @return true if this IList is equal to other, false otherwise */ public boolean equals(Object other); }
Similar to the LinkedList developed in class. Does not contain all the methods you would expect of a LinkedList. Also implements the iterator remove method in O(N) time. An O(1) time remove method is possible.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import java.util.Iterator; import Summer08.Node; public class LinkedList implements Iterable { private Node head; private Node tail; private int size; public Iterator iterator(){ return new LLIterator(); } private class LLIterator implements Iterator{ private Node nextNode; private boolean removeOK; private int posToRemove; private LLIterator(){ nextNode = head; removeOK = false; posToRemove = -1; } public boolean hasNext(){ return nextNode != null; } public Object next(){ assert hasNext(); Object result = nextNode.getData(); nextNode = nextNode.getNext(); removeOK = true; posToRemove++; return result; } public void remove(){ assert removeOK; removeOK = false; LinkedList.this.remove(posToRemove); posToRemove--; } } public void makeEmpty(){ // let GC do its job!!!!!!! head = tail = null; size = 0; } public Object remove(int pos){ assert pos >= 0 && pos < size; Object result; if( pos == 0 ){ result = head.getData(); head = head.getNext(); if( size == 1 ) tail = null; } else{ Node temp = head; for(int i = 1; i < pos; i++) temp = temp.getNext(); result = temp.getNext().getData(); temp.setNext( temp.getNext().getNext() ); if( pos == size - 1) tail = temp; } size--; return result; } public Object get(int pos){ assert pos >= 0 && pos < size; // array based list // return myCon[pos] Object result; if( pos == size - 1 ) result = tail.getData(); //O(1) else{ Node temp = head; for(int i = 0; i < pos; i++) temp = temp.getNext(); result = temp.getData(); // average case O(N) :(((( } return result; } public void insert(int pos, Object obj){ assert pos >= 0 && pos <= size; // addFirst? if(pos == 0) addFirst(obj); // O(1) // add last? else if( pos == size ) add(obj); //at end O(1) else{ // general case Node temp = head; for(int i = 1; i < pos; i++) temp = temp.getNext(); // I know temp is pointing at the // node at position pos - 1 Node newNode = new Node(obj, temp.getNext()); temp.setNext( newNode ); size++; } } public void add(Object obj){ Node newNode = new Node(obj, null); if( size == 0 ) head = newNode; else tail.setNext(newNode); tail = newNode; size++; } public void addFirst(Object obj){ if(size == 0) add(obj); else{ Node newNode = new Node(obj, head); head = newNode; size++; } } public String toString(){ String result = ""; Node temp = head; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ result += temp.getData() + " "; temp = temp.getNext(); } return result; } }
An unsorted set that uses a hashtable with closed address hashing to store values. Currently only the add method is implemented.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import java.util.LinkedList; import java.lang.reflect.Array; public class UnsortedHashSet{ private static final double LOAD_FACTOR_LIMIT = 0.7; private int size; private LinkedList [] con; public UnsortedHashSet() { con = (LinkedList [])(new LinkedList[10]); } public boolean add(E obj) { int oldSize = size; int index = Math.abs(obj.hashCode()) % con.length; if(con[index] == null) con[index] = new LinkedList (); if(!con[index].contains(obj)) { con[index].add(obj); size++; } if(1.0 * size / con.length > LOAD_FACTOR_LIMIT) resize(); return oldSize != size; } private void resize() { UnsortedHashSet temp = new UnsortedHashSet (); temp.con = (LinkedList [])(new LinkedList[con.length * 2 + 1]); for(int i = 0; i < con.length; i++){ if(con[i] != null) for(E e : con[i]) temp.add(e); } con = temp.con; } public int size() { return size; } }
A method to compare Java's TreeSet and HashSet to the BianrySearchTree, UnsortedSet, and UnsortedHashSet classes developed in class. Note you need a lot of other files for this to work.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ package Solution; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.TreeSet; public class UnsortedSetTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String[] allFileNames = {"hounds.txt", "huckfinn.txt", "oz.txt", "war.txt", "ciaFactBook2008.txt"}; String[] noCIA = {"hounds.txt", "huckfinn.txt", "oz.txt", "war.txt"}; countWords(new BinarySearchTree(), allFileNames[0]); for(String s : allFileNames) { System.out.println(s); countWordsOurUnsortedSet(s); countWordsOurBinarySearchTree(s); countWordsOurHash(s); countWordsCollection(new TreeSet (), s); int[] result = countWordsCollection(new HashSet (), s); System.out.println(result[0] + " total words."); System.out.println(result[1] + " distinct words."); System.out.println(); } } // return total num words, and num distinct words public static int[] countWordsCollection(Collection c, String fileName) throws Exception{ c.clear(); Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(new File(fileName)); Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch(); st.start(); int total = 0; while(fileScanner.hasNext()){ c.add(; total++; } st.stop(); System.out.println("Time for " + c.getClass() + " : \n" + st); // System.out.println(c.size() + " distinct words"); // System.out.println(total + " total words including duplicates: "); assert total >= c.size(); System.out.println(); return new int[]{total, c.size()}; } // GACKY GACKY GACKY repition. Look into removing repetition with reflection // we assume there will be add and size methods public static int[] countWordsOurHash(String fileName) throws Exception { Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(new File(fileName)); Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch(); UnsortedHashSet c = new UnsortedHashSet (); st.start(); int total = 0; while(fileScanner.hasNext()) { c.add(; total++; } st.stop(); System.out.println("Time for our hashtable (closed address hashing): \n" + st); // System.out.println(c.size() + " distinct words"); // System.out.println(total + " total words including duplicates: "); assert total >= c.size(); System.out.println(); return new int[]{total, c.size()}; } public static int[] countWordsOurUnsortedSet(String fileName) throws Exception { Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(new File(fileName)); Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch(); UnsortedSet c = new UnsortedSet (); st.start(); int total = 0; while(fileScanner.hasNext()){ c.add(; total++; } st.stop(); System.out.println("Time for our unsorted set based on ArrayList: \n" + st); // System.out.println(c.size() + " distinct words"); // System.out.println(total + " total words including duplicates: "); assert total >= c.size(); System.out.println(); return new int[]{total, c.size()}; } public static int[] countWordsOurBinarySearchTree(String fileName) throws Exception { Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(new File(fileName)); Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch(); BinarySearchTree c = new BinarySearchTree (); st.start(); int total = 0; while(fileScanner.hasNext()){ c.add(; total++; } st.stop(); System.out.println("Time for our binary search tree: \n" + st); // System.out.println(c.size() + " distinct words"); // System.out.println(total + " total words including duplicates: "); assert total >= c.size(); System.out.println(); return new int[]{total, c.size()}; } // a try at reflection. Not working on Binary Search tree from class. // Hunch. Due to add method taking in Comparable, not Object! // Alterantives: search list of methods for name? public static int[] countWords(Object c, String fileName) throws Exception { Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(new File(fileName)); Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch(); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(c.getClass().getMethods())); Method addMethod = c.getClass().getMethod("add", Object.class); st.start(); int total = 0; while(fileScanner.hasNext()){ addMethod.invoke(c,; total++; } st.stop(); System.out.println("Time for " + c.getClass() + ": "+ st); Method sizeMethod = c.getClass().getMethod("size"); int distictWords = (Integer) sizeMethod.invoke(c); // System.out.println(distictWords + " distinct words"); // System.out.println(total + " total words including duplicates: "); System.out.println(); return new int[]{total, distictWords}; } }
Program demonstrating use of a map to count the frequency of words in a file.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.TreeMap; public class SimpleWordCounter { public static void main(String[] args) { try { File f = new File("ciaFactBook2008.txt"); Scanner sc; sc = new Scanner(f); // sc.useDelimiter("[^a-zA-Z']+"); MapwordCount = new TreeMap (); while(sc.hasNext()) { String word =; if(!wordCount.containsKey(word)) wordCount.put(word, 1); else wordCount.put(word, wordCount.get(word) + 1); } // show results for(String word : wordCount.keySet()) System.out.println(word + " " + wordCount.get(word)); System.out.println(wordCount.size()); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to read from file."); } } }
WordCount -
Program that compares counting words in files using an ArrayList and a Map.
/* * @author Usman Mughal */ import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.UIManager; public class WordCount { public static void main(String[] args) { countWordsViaGUI(); } // allow user to pick file to exam via GUI. // allow multiple picks public static void countWordsViaGUI() { setLookAndFeel(); try { Scanner key = new Scanner(; do { System.out.println("Opening GUI to choose file."); Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(getFile()); Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch(); st.start(); ArrayListwords = countWordsWithArrayList(fileScanner); st.stop(); System.out.println("time to count: " + st); System.out.print("Enter number of words to display: "); int numWordsToShow = Integer.parseInt(key.nextLine()); showWords(words, numWordsToShow); fileScanner.close(); System.out.print("Perform another count? "); } while(key.nextLine().toLowerCase().charAt(0) == 'y'); key.close(); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Problem reading the data file. Exiting the program." + e); } } // determine distinct words in a file using an array list private static ArrayList countWordsWithArrayList(Scanner fileScanner) { System.out.println("Total number of words: " + numWords); System.out.println("number of distincy words: " + result.size()); return result; } // determine distinct words in a file and frequency of each word with a Map private static Map countWordsWithMap(Scanner fileScanner) { System.out.println("Total number of words: " + numWords); System.out.println("number of distincy words: " + result.size()); return result; } private static void showWords(ArrayList words, int numWordsToShow) { for(int i = 0; i < words.size() && i < numWordsToShow; i++) System.out.println(words.get(i)); } private static void showWords(Map words, int numWordsToShow) { } // perform a series of experiments on files. Determine average time to // count words in files of various sizes private static void performExp() { String[] smallerWorks = {"smallWords.txt", "2BR02B.txt", "Alice.txt", "SherlockHolmes.txt"};; String[] bigFile = {"ciaFactBook2008.txt"}; timingExpWithArrayList(smallerWorks, 50); timingExpWithArrayList(bigFile, 3); timingExpWithMap(smallerWorks, 50); timingExpWithMap(bigFile, 3); } // pre: titles != null, elements of titles refer to files in the // same path as this program, numExp >= 0 // read words from files and print average time to cound words. private static void timingExpWithMap(String[] titles, int numExp) { try { double[] times = new double[titles.length]; final int NUM_EXP = 50; for(int i = 0; i < NUM_EXP; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < titles.length; j++) { Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(new File(titles[j])); Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch(); st.start(); Map words = countWordsWithMap(fileScanner); st.stop(); System.out.println(words.size()); times[j] += st.time(); fileScanner.close(); } } for(double a : times) System.out.println(a / NUM_EXP); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Problem reading the data file. Exiting the program." + e); } } // pre: titles != null, elements of titles refer to files in the // same path as this program, numExp >= 0 // read words from files and print average time to cound words. private static void timingExpWithArrayList(String[] titles, int numExp) { try { double[] times = new double[titles.length]; for(int i = 0; i < numExp; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < titles.length; j++) { Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(new File(titles[j])); Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch(); st.start(); ArrayList words = countWordsWithArrayList(fileScanner); st.stop(); times[j] += st.time(); fileScanner.close(); } } for(int i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) System.out.println("Average time for " + titles[i] + ": " + (times[i] / numExp)); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Problem reading the data file. Exiting the program." + e); } } // try to set look and feel to same as system private static void setLookAndFeel() { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to set look at feel to local settings. " + "Continuing with default Java look and feel."); } } /** Method to choose a file using a window. * @return the file chosen by the user. Returns null if no file picked. */ private static File getFile() { // create a GUI window to pick the text to evaluate JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser("."); chooser.setDialogTitle("Select File To Count Words:"); int retval = chooser.showOpenDialog(null); File f =null; chooser.grabFocus(); if (retval == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) f = chooser.getSelectedFile(); return f; } }